Competency 2

Create Knowledge

  • Sub-Competency 1: Demonstrates ability to describe common research methods in Educational Technology
  • Sub-Competency 2: Demonstrates ability to read and evaluate Educational Technology research
  • Sub-Competency 3: Applies research findings to the solution of common problems in Educational Technology

The ability to create knowledge is comprised of three specific competencies:

  • The demonstrated ability to describe common research methods in Educational Technology which can be seen in a paper written for EDCI 513, Foundations of Learning Design and Technology: An Introduction to the Field. I offer my paper, The Optimization of E-Learning, as an example of the creation of knowledge—specifically the described use of common research methods.

    In this analysis of the cost of instruction relative to the quality and effectiveness of the delivered learning product(s), I present factors that contribute to both efficiency of design and development and effectiveness of the learning experience in achieving the learning objectives; then, give an overview of the current methodologies as they relate to optimization; and, finally discuss the current instructional design environment to determine the potential for optimization without compromising quality. I include a literature review, a historical review of learning models, as well as a look at rapid prototyping using SAM and Tin Can API (xAPI) as examples.

  • The demonstrated ability to read and evaluate Educational Technology research. In this same paper, I compare several instructional design models based on the research of Clark (1989), Edmonds, Brand and Mukherjee (1994), and others; and introduce the research of Alptekin and Karsak who used fuzzy regression based on QFD (quality function deployment) to quantify and prioritize relationships that are usually considered unquantifiable.
    This demonstrates my ability to both read the research reports and to evaluate its applicability to my hypotheses.

  • Finally, Creation of Knowlege must apply research findings to the solution of common problems in Educational Technology.

The conclusion of my paper focuses on research by Alptekin and Karsak (2009) entitled An Integrated Decision Framework for Evaluating and Selecting e-Learning Products which could provide a quantitative methodology for quality assessment both of e-Learning products as well as user satisfaction and instructional effectiveness.

This ability to quantify variables that had historically been examined only qualitatively, when applied to new technologies such as the Learning Registry® (, RUSSEL®—the Re-Usability Support System for eLearning, and Experience API (xAPI) also known as TinCanAPI®, shows great promise for the development of a methodology that functions according to the rules of rapid prototyping, while undergoing formative evaluations in each iteration that are quantitatively measurable. The resulting instructional designs could represent the consummate expression of the craft: elegantly efficient, effective, engaging learning experiences that are cost effective with minimal time to market.

I am looking forward to delving deeper into the possibilities of quantitative measurement of learner attributes, as well as the possiblities of creating a more efficient and cost effective method of generating highly effective instructional experiences.


Allen, M., & Sites, R. (2012). Leaving ADDIE for SAM: An agile model for developing the best learning experiences. Alexandria, VA: ASTD Press.

Alptekin, S. E., & Karsak, E. E. (2011). An integrated decision framework for evaluating and selecting e-learning products. Applied Soft Computing, 11(3), 2990-2998. doi: 10.1016/j.asoc.2010.11.023

Edmonds, G. S., Branch, R. C., & Mukherjee, P. (1994). A conceptual framework for comparing instructional design models. ETR&D, 42(4), 55-72. Retrieved June 10, 2014.

Foreman, S. (2013, October 14). The xAPI and the LMS: What does the future hold? by Steve Foreman : Learning Solutions Magazine. Retrieved June 10, 2014, from

Krause, R. (2014). The optimization of e-learning. Learning Registry. (n.d.). Retrieved June 10, 2014, from RUSSEL. (n.d.). Retrieved June 10, 2014, from